Myth: All women I shoot are professional models

Myth: All women I shoot are professional models

There is one thing that potential clients say to me the most and that is “You take beautiful portraits but I am not a model like the other women on your page.” It is always important to listen to what others have to say and how they feel because there is usually a key in what is being said that needs to be addressed or corrected.

I completely understand these women’s opinions. From an outsider’s perspective, all women on my page might appear to be models. I do love taking portraits of women in a fashionable manner and a portion of my business is catered to a model clientele. That being said, only about half the people on my page are professional models. The other half are everyday people that trusted me and my team to have fun and experience a fashion inspired portrait session.

To prove this, here’s a shoot I did this week with my friend and hair stylist/lash technician, Nina. It is such a blessing to have friends like Nina. She is fun, always down for a creative adventure, and puts her full trust in my team. She actually plays a role in my business as well behind the scenes. She supplies all of the beautiful lashes you see in my portraits. She’s a great person to know and is super supportive of my growth. I thought she would be the perfect example of an everyday (non-model) gorgeous lady getting the full glamour portrait experience.

To start this off, here’s a Before/After shot. I love the power of before and after shots. They allow you to relate to the woman being photographed and really shows the magic, Fatima, my makeup artist, can create. Nina did her own hair for this session which I adored as well.  I truly love what we do and I am so happy to share it with you.

As you can see above, Nina is a beautiful woman naturally. It would be very easy to mistake her for a model in her portraits. She has done a few shoots before this as she is in the fashion industry as a hairstylist. That being said, like most women, she needs direction with posing/expression, a relaxing and trusting environment to shoot in, and an open mind. She is wearing lashes from Laash Lashes called Dollface. They are a beautiful addition to any makeup look.

For the first two outfits, I wanted to keep the clothing very simple. There is something special about a woman in jeans and a t-shirt that is very beautiful – the girl next door look. I like to start with a simple outfit to get my clients warmed up. Most people feel pretty comfortable and attractive in their favourite pair of jeans, so why not bring them to your portrait session?

I also asked Nina to bring a dress she feels her best in. I love to photograph women in clothing they own and love. In lots of cases, women have clothing they have bought for a special occasion and only get to wear it once. Photoshoots let you feel beautiful again in your favourite dress and you can get some fabulous pictures of yourself in it as well. I loved that her dress was a vibrant red. It really brings pop to the portraits.

Our final look was on the more sultry side without being too revealing. I wanted to create a sexy/glam look that would be relatable to most women. Something not showing too much skin but makes them feel like a bombshell. In my opinion, being sensual isn’t about what you are wearing but your mood and expression. I love capturing women’s beauty and showing them how gorgeous they can look even when they feel they’ve lost it due to kids or getting older. Portrait sessions are about more than just the portraits themselves, these sessions also help women recapture their feeling of beauty. One of the most rewarding parts of my job is seeing women leave my studio feeling more confident in their skin and more alive. It makes me feel so happy to see the transformation first hand.

I hope you enjoyed the portraits! I had a lot of fun creating these portraits and having these gals in my studio. To check out more of my team’s work, see their information down below.

Nina: (Lashes/hair styling):

Fatima (Makeup):


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