About Me

Photographer: Angela Holmyard

Hi everyone, I’m Angela!


You deserve to feel beautiful and I’m here to capture your beauty and give you an empowering experience.


Believe it or not, I used to be painfully shy and very uncomfortable in my skin. That all changed when I started modelling in my 20s.  From the moment I had my first portrait session with a glam team, the power of photography hit me and I fell in love with it!  After seeing my portraits, I felt more empowered, beautiful and stronger than ever. More than a decade later, I picked up a camera for myself, with the passion and experience to bring those same feelings to others.


We live in a world where it’s practically impossible to live up to today’s ever-changing and unrealistic beauty standards. Every day, we’re bombarded by images and media that make us feel like we don’t measure up and leads us to be hard on ourselves. Having a portrait session with a professional photographer who knows how to capture your beauty can change all that.  You are uniquely beautiful the way you are – don’t keep it a secret!  A photoshoot together might even show you something about yourself you never noticed before.  Like maybe you have your mother’s eyes, those same eyes you admired when younger as she applied makeup before heading for a night on the town, or the eyes that made you laugh with her silly winks she did after telling a joke. Nevertheless, I’m here to capture you in your authentic energy, your genuine self, in a way that will wow your friends and family as they point out “that’s your real smile!” For me, there is no better feeling than showing my clients how beautiful they really are, knowing they are leaving a session feeling confident and empowered!


So do it for yourself.  I’d love to hear from you.