10 Aug Portraits of an Ottawa Comedian, Dawn Xanklin
If you ever need to brighten up your day, nothing beats spending time with a comedian. They may not be spitting out jokes every minute, but they are naturally funny people who bring happiness and a smile into your life. This is one of the reasons I love photographing Dawn. She is just so fun to be around. It also helps that she is stunning. For this session, I had the amazing stylist, Fatima Abeduljalil, do Dawn’s make up. Fatima used Laash lashes to finalize her look. Fatima has this wonderful ability to make beautiful women feel and look their best. Check out Dawn’s transformation:
I love Dawn’s ability to be herself in from of an audience. In this case, I was an audience one with my camera in hand, and she just shined. I made a cute collage of Dawn’s many expressions, which reminds me of the kind of posters you might see outside of a comedy club.
Here are some other portraits we did of Dawn in basic jeans and a black shirt. These photos truly represent Dawn and how she naturally moves.
And of course we did some fashion portraits too, with a few wardrobe changes. It’s always fun to dress up and look fabulous.
Click the link below to see more of my team’s work below:
Dawn – comedian – https://www.instagram.com/dawnxanklincomedy/
Fatima – Makeup artist – https://www.instagram.com/beautytouch_byfatima/
Laash Lashes – strip lashes – https://www.instagram.com/laashlashes_hair_co/
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