31 Jul Must Check Out: Parc Omega
It doesn’t matter if it is summer, winter or anything in between, Parc Omega is opened and you have to check it out! Parc Omega is located in Montebello, Quebec which about an hour and a bit away from Ottawa. Parc Omega is a large, reaching 2 200 acres where you can discover North America’s wildlife in the natural scenery of the Outaouais region. Parc Omega, has over time, put much focus has been placed on the contributions of the First Nations present in Quebec. The park has a range of wildlife, some in fenced in areas and some roaming freely for you to interact with. Most of the park requires you to stay in your car but you are welcome to feed some animals carrots which you can purchase there. There are also nature trails, washrooms, places to eat, scheduled exhibits and so much more. This is a great place to spend the day with family and small children.
Vince and I spent the day photographing and enjoying ourselves in the presence of so many adorable and curious animals. We went on a hot summer day so some animals were hidden away taking naps in the shade so we didn’t to capture all the animals there. That’s totally okay with us. We had a great time either way. I will share with you the photos of each animals I saw that day.
Deers (Fallow deer, White Tailed Deer, Red Deer)
Deer are so beautiful and some are surprisingly big. They are usually the first you see when you drive into Parc Omegas roads. The smart deer and know to group near the entrance because that’s where the fresh bags of carrots are. Five minutes into our visit more than half of our bag of carrots was gone. Don’t feel bad when your bag is empty though, there are so many visitors on a daily basis that there are abandoned carrots on the roads.
Rocky Mountain Goats
Rock Mountain Goats are quite impressive looking. I had the pleasure of photographing two mountain goats while we were there. One was napping in the shade and the other was doing yoga moves while pooping. Quite impressive. Luckily I got a shot before he started to poop.
Wild Boars
Pigs are my all time favourite animal. I dream of having a pig rescue farm when I get older and more financially secure. In the meantime, I get my pig fix here at Parc Omega.
Bison (Buffalo)
I have a new appreciation for buffalo. They are so sweet natured. I had no clue before this visit. They don’t eat carrots and there are signs all around saying not to feed them. Instead buffalo come to your car to say hi and to be pet. They are actually adorable.
Black Bears
I’m not gonna lie, black bears scare me. I wasn’t scared at all at Parc Omega though because the Bears are safely kept in their own area. This one big bear came and sat on a rock which allowed to take some photos without having the fencing in the way.
We didn’t see much of the coyotes but one did come out to see us. They are really beautiful animals. I remember seeing one at the experimental farm a few summer ago. It was resting in the tall grass behind the fence as I was walking down the path. The dog ahead of me stopped to check it and I was wondering what he was looking at. I figured a bird or a squirrel but there was a beautiful miniature wolf look alike. It was so peaceful and I quickly walked by so that others wouldn’t also stop and bother him/her. I still remember that day. The signs at the experimental farm are true, keep you dogs on a lease for their safety.
Grey Wolves
Vince and I were super lucky to stumble on the wolf exhibit after taking a bathroom break. There is a wooden raised platform that you can climb up and listen to the guide tell you facts about the animal. While she was talking to us the wolves below in the fenced in area came around because she was giving them meat treats. We got some awesome shots.
Arctic Wolves
I am always amazed by the curious nature of animals. As we were on our way out a pack of arctic wolves came and stood on a raised rock near we were driving. We pulled over to check them out and take a few photos. They are stunning. There was an older wolf who clearly had cateracts. It was nice to see that the family/pack stick together without outcasting the older members.
To check out Parc Omega, click the link below:
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