My trip to Mexico 2019

My trip to Mexico 2019

In April 2019 Vince and I went to Mexico for a much needed break from the cold winter. We planned to mainly relax but hoped to go to see the Mayan ruins while we were there. We did just that! Here’s my photos from Chichen Itza.

We were one of the first buses of tourists to get there and I was very lucky to have a minute when there wasn’t people all around the pyramid. Also the weather was perfect – very hot but slightly overcast.

Naturally I want to take some photos of my handsome boyfriend and some cool flowers. I didn’t bring my camera gear to this trip. Vince brought his but at that time we had the same camera and I had no idea at that time that a local Ottawa model, Lidia and her family,  would be at the same resort in Mexico as us. What’s the chances of that? I borrowed Vince’s camera gear and did multiple shoots with her and her family.

Lidia and I arranged for us to do some beach photos of herself and her family. It was a fairly quick shoot because her son was only 5 months at the time. Also they were on vacation and didn’t want to use up all of their time.

Lidia and her family are super cute and very nice. We spent the last night together and went to a French Restaurant on the resort. The food was absolutely amazing.

There were tons of photographers there that would take your photos for free and you can buy copies of them at the store. Kind of cool concept.

Then we did a few photos of Lidia alone. Lidia was surprisingly prepared for our shoots. She had a bag for of different sunglasses and that bracelet she is wearing covered her resort bracelet perfectly.

Each evening we picked a different location on the resort to shoot for 45 minutes. We had a lot of fun and it was really nice to be able to do portraits while away. I would miss it otherwise.

There was an ice cream parlour for kids that was done up to look like it was in the 1950s. Unfortunately I came with very little equipment and had to rely on the light that was in the parlour so many photos didn’t turn out.

I shot all these photos with Vince’s camera Canon 6D. He brought a wide angle lens and canon 24-105mm f4, and my old canon 50mm f/1.8 lens.

Related links:

Model – Lidia – @lidia_peci

Resort: @grandrivieraprincess

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