Portrait Session with Dr. Alex Nguyen, MD

Portrait Session with Dr. Alex Nguyen, MD

Not every day you have the opportunity to photograph a handsome young doctor. For me, this was my second time. Dr. Alex Nguyen is Montreal based Cosmetic Physician. Briefly talking about his work, you can tell he is passionate about his craft and has his clients best interest at heart. I love taking his portraits because first of all, the camera loves him and secondly, he is a really down to earth guy. We walked around the Civic Hospital snapping shots and the conversation was relaxed with many moments of laughter. Photoshoot like this really makes me love my craft.

Here are my favourite portraits of the session. We spent about an hour shooting in the bright sun. Thankfully I had my fiancé, Vince, there to hold a diffuser to soften the light.


Check out Dr. Alex’s IG


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